A green building is one that incorporates sustainable development principles to ensure
that the ongoing operation and maintenance of the building minimizes environmental impacts.
Goals include and relate to choosing a sustainable site (e.g., finding one with access to mass
transit); water efficiency (e.g., using high-efficiency fixtures and rainfall); energy and
atmospheric concerns (e.g., endeavoring to reduce energy use and considering sources of
renewable energy such as solar); the use of green materials and resources (e.g., using recycled
and locally sourced materials); consideration of indoor environmental quality (e.g., maximizing
natural light and fresh air, and using nontoxic materials and finishes); and innovation and design
A green building may or may not be more energy efficient. Its green attributes may
simply come from being built with green materials, the use of bike racks, an aggressive recycling
program, etc. However, there may well be measurable benefits. For example, operating cost
decreases are typically quoted as 8-9%, and there may also be building value increases, return on
investment increases and occupancy ratio increases (these are reported to be in the range of
7.5%, 6.6% and 3.5%, respectively)
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